
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatu.

Thank God we pray to Allah SWT.Thanks to Allah SWT for giving physical and spiritual health.

My name is Anang Noval Nugroho

My address Jl. arteri supadio Gg. Wonodadi 1
I come from Pontianak
I was born in Pontianak on November 18, 1998
I studied at Pontianak University Tanjungpura. Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
My religion is Islam 
My hobby is exercising but not all sports I canMy favorite foods are chicken noodles and fried rice

The origin of the school : 
Elementary School in SD 15 PARIT AHAI KUBU RAYA;
Junior high school in SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 PONTIANAK;

Reason for entering mechanical engineering:

My first choice was pharmacy but my choice did not escape, it turns out I escaped in mechanical engineering, since I already feel comfortable in mechanical engineering so I continue in mechanical engineering.

Aims after graduation in mechanical engineering:After I graduate in mechanical engineering I want to work in PT. Chargil and if I am not accepted in the company I would like to enroll in the State Electricity Company.

That's my short introduction. 
Thank you everyone already want to see my blog

That is all and thank you,

Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.


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