The phenomenon in Pontianak
This phenomenon explains the traffic violation in which a family does not use helmets and they do not think about their safety. the more they face the opposite direction. the action should not be replicated. fenomena ini menjelaskan tentang pelanggaran berlalu lintas dimana sebuah keluarga tidak menggunakan helm dan mereka tidak memikirkan keselamatannya. lebih parahnya mereka melawan arah. tindakan tersebut seharusnya tidak boleh ditiru. this phenomenon violates traffic because this car carries an excessive load because this can endanger riders and other road users. fenomena ini melanggar lalu lintas karna mobil ini membawa muatan yang berlebihan karna ini dapat membahayakan pengendara dan orang pengguna jalan lainnya. There is a variety of creativity they show to motivate their favorite teams. Supporters of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 for example. As long as his team competes, the shouting and singing continue to echo them so the players appear more excited. One of...