There is a variety of creativity they show to motivate their favorite
teams. Supporters of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 for example.
As long as his team competes, the shouting and singing continue to echo
them so the players appear more excited. One of the supporters of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1, Boteng admitted always ready to support the players in the
field. "We are passionate players with some songs, there is a song Mars
Muhammadiyah also earlier. Then the song we made. We also shout and hold drums
for the players to be more motivated, "
Ada beragam kreativitas mereka tunjukkan demi
memotivasi tim kesayangan masing-masing. Pendukung SMA Muhammadiyah 1 misalnya.
Selama timnya berlaga, teriakan dan nyanyian terus mereka gaungkan sehingga
para pemain tampil lebih bersemangat. Satu di antara pendukung SMA Muhammadiyah
1, Boateng mengaku selalu siap mendukung para pemain di lapangan. “Kita semangati
pemain dengan beberapa lagu, ada lagu Mars Muhammadiyah juga tadi. Lalu lagu
yang kami buat. Kita juga teriak dan tabuhkan drum agar para pemain lebih
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